Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Make it Reign

Season 3 Episode 22

Stupid Coville, what did he think would happen? Did he not read those texts carefully enough or was the terraforming not in there? Why do they have to terraform any way? The Earth's environment is hospitable for Kryptoninans. That didn't make any sense.

I thought they would be nerfing Martian Manhunter by having him do The Reach with Mantis but it looks like he's going to help out against the the Krptonian hags while Supergirl takes on Reign. Lois Lane will take on Selena & Mon-El will fight the 3rd one. There better be a good fight next episode with so many super-powered aliens. They would totally destroy National City though. They almost destroyed L-Corp taking down Reign & that fight only lasted minutes.

The Juru & fountain stuff was dumb. I especially hated when Allura said "according to the lore" which is what they say on Supernatural all the time & I hate that it's spread to other tv shows. That forcefield was also dumb.

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