Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Comparative Wickedness of Civilized and Unenlightened Peoples

Archer: Danger Island
Season 9 Episode 7

This show isn't as good as it used to be. This episode wasn't that funny. 

It was the cannibals vs the Nazis. It was just dumb, the way they were able to defeat the men with guns. Just stupid. And the cannibals started worshiping Cheryl instead of Lana. It was like Return of the Jedi with the Ewoks & C3PO but it wasn't funny.

There weren't any jokes at all. Just a lot of lame action. These stupid dream seasons have been mostly garbage. I hope he wakes up out of his coma next season. 

Although, I'm sure they will think of some other contrived way to put goddamn Nazis onto the show. They won't be able to do it for 5 more years.

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