Thursday, October 19, 2017


DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Season 3 Episode 1

It sucks that they cleaned up that dinosaur chaos timeline so fast, although Rip is right, it was 15 minutes for them, but he was probably gone for years. I do not like his new haircut at all.

As much as I enjoy when the Legends mess up, it was a little annoying that the time bureau was so rude & condescending to them. They have powers & while they may not be the best for clandestine work like Rip said, they are a chainsaw & are important. I'm surprised that they didn't feel a time quake when Julius Ceasar was in Aruba.

"Your salad sucks"

Aren't we done with Vixen 1? She needs to stay in the past so her granddaughter can help out the Green Arrow. Why don't they make someone else join the team instead?

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