Monday, December 11, 2017

How It's Gotta Be

The Walking Dead 
Season 8 Episode 8

I was thinking last episode that the Confederacy should have sent flaming arrows into the Sanctuary but they didn't & last episode I thought that the saviors should have escaped through tunnels but they didn't. Then in this episode the saviors set Alexandria on fire, which is such a waste. The water, the solar panels, all of it. gone. and the Alexandrians escaped in tunnels.

I don't see why Eugene is feeling guilty, he made the right call.

Nooo, I can't believe they are killing Carl. He tricked us just like he did Negan. I guess he got bit last episode saving the muslim. Arrgh, they should have shot Jesus in the car. It would have been great, now the Hilltop has a bunch of saviors & the stupid Widow thinks that they will negotiate for those dudes? Stupid Rick thought the junkions were going to help him? Thanks to dumb Aaron & Enid shot the grandma of the Oceanside people they were trying to recruit. Arrrgh How stupid are these people? 

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