Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Devil Comes Here and Sighs

The Originals

The fight between Lucian & Elijah was pretty good & so was Freja using a Devil's Trap & giving him the old aneurysm spell. I like that the chains & the log were Egyptian.

I knew Aurora didn't care about Lucian. After a 1000 years he hasn't met anyone better than Aurora? It was so pathetic how he kneeled when he offered her the magic potion. At least he was smart enough to have a video recording while he left them alone. Did Klaus smirk at the camera?

Even though Camille won't shut up about dark objects, once again she didn't have any on her. She should have a satchel filled with them at all times. She even stabbed Aurora with a regular old needle.

Now how are they going to cure her? Klaus's blood may not do it.

Why doesn't Vincent renounce ancestral magic & use Expression like Bonnie used to?

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