Friday, April 22, 2016

Versus Zoom

The Flash

Vibe is opening up breaches! In the St. Perez! I like how he was discussing Anakin going to the dark side in the prequels but totally serious!

He was wearing the Tachyon device that let him travel to Earth-3 but he didn't even mention that he met Supergirl!! Arrrgh, would it have really been that hard for him to have joked about Earth-3 & said, "I'll explain later," the only thing he said was "How long was I gone?" that was really disappointing.

Maybe they couldn't mention Supergirl in this episode because it was more like Watchmen than Flash. Hunter Zolomon is actually Jay Garrick's son! What!? And his mom was murdered by Jay! I can't believe they turned Jay Garrick into a murderer. That was not in the comics. I can't believe Jay shot her with a shotgun!!

The only reason Barry is going to escape the friendzone is thanks to time travel & parallel earths.

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