Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Singularity

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD

Yay, Hydra is defeated once & for all, now they can move on to comic book bad guys. I've never liked those Nazi losers even after the ret-con, they were still a dumb religious cult. Zombie Ward must feel the same way because he used the money to buy a town instead of saving those stupid hyrdra cult members. He should have bought an island like a real super-villain, there must not have been islands on his forever night planet.

I guess her name is Tremors, not sure why it isn't Quake like the comic books but whatever. She is totally mind-controlled now & even rested her head on zombie Ward! If she gets her memories back she is going to be so angry.

I liked seeing Simmons shoot zombie Ward, but of course it's minutes after she's crying about her astronaut boyfriend, meanwhile Fitz has to have a cringey discussion about sex before he sleeps with her.

Coulson was being a real nasty hypocrite this episode. He gave Lincoln a homicide vest! Then he made more snarky comments to The Calvalry. He was being really emotional.

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