Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How to Kill Friends and Influence People

Season 2 Episode 10

This season finale was terrible. It was really rushed.

All of a sudden Kylen shows up & explains that the green plasma is actually sentient microbe aliens called the Hullen who were going to invade generations ago but made a deal with the original families so - I don't even know. He just blurted out so much backstory that it was hard to follow. Then they killed Khylen. It's too bad because he was just starting to get interesting. It might have made more of an impact if they had more flashbacks of him & Dutch as a kid.

I forgot that she was some sort of royalty.

Somehow the military that D'avin was a soldier in, isn't involved in the quad anymore? Is the quad not under military jurisdiction? Is that why the RAC can do whatever they want?

I liked that Johnnie shot Delle. I wish he had shot her in the head but I guess they want to bring her back next season. I really liked that Gun Arm Girl is back. They should make qqq a part of the cast next season now that pawter is dead.

"We're buzzing that damn tower."
"Negative, John. The pattern is full."

What was that technology that Johnny mentioned? The archive transports you to pods that are just floating in orbit in various parts of the universe?

"They must have some sort of Myer-portal tech or gradient warp field."

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