Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Protect and Serve

From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series
Season 3 Episode 3

Sex machine is back with his slither power. It was pretty funny when Richie tried to use his eyeball hand on the Ilhicamina & was just poked in the eye. The Geckos really were acting like amateurs. They knew Ilhicamina was a great warrior who could defeat all sorts of monsters & they treated him like he was human.

It sounds like they are talking about Sebulba every time they say Xibalba & I keep waiting for them to mention pod races.

I like that they tied in the blood thing from last season, it makes this season feel a little less disconnected from season 2. Amaru wants hell on earth which will lead to the hell wars & maybe Manborg! We also learned more about the Culebras, they are escaped slaves from hell& their vemon glands make them immolate when they get staked.

Their scorpion guy was a little better than Mortal Kombat's but not as cool as the one on Grimm. Scorpia would still beat him though.

They referenced: nothing.

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