Saturday, October 8, 2016


Season 5 Episode 1

Now this is what Arrow should be! 

He used so many trick arrows! 1 exploded, another contained a hacking computer, a zip line arrow, a grappling hook arrow  & a parachute arrow!! It was so great.

Plus he was killing people again, not just shooting them with arrows, but he snapped some guys neck. His reasoning for it was right. Malcolm Merlin was right.

Of course they couldn't resist having Felicity dating some police detective, so stupid. It was funny when they showed Vigilante on the screen & Felicity said

"Mr. Ski Goggles, still workshopping on a code name."

Mr. Terrific wants to join the team!! Finally! Maybe they'll got to Bludhaven & make Felicity the next Black Canary or that girl from last season. This season could be awesome!

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