Monday, October 26, 2015

For The Next Millennium

The Originals

I forgot about Haley & the reverse werewolf curse. Just when I got excited thinking she was killed by those hunters, dumb Davina rescued her. Ugh. But Davina's not respected so I guess she's going to use Haley the way Marcel used her.

I like Freja's mail system, much better than owls, but not as cool as coughing baby dragons. Lucien seems cool, his rhyming witch was a little odd.

Man, Camille is being so mean to Klaus. She needs to tone it down. She had her chance to leave New Orleans. 

Did Elijah have to murder those hunters, technically they aren't doing anything wrong. It was unnecessary & their employers will probably notice. Maybe the corporation will be a new force to deal with. They could hire Wolfram & Hart.

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