Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bewilderment of Heart


That 1st scene of total chaos with people randomly killing each other & themselves was really well done. The amphora worked pretty fast on those people. I was annoyed at David talking to evil David. I never like that device where a character "talks" to themselves. They should have had Gabriel deliver those lines. Everyone else's nightmare was good though.

Poor Lady Riesen & her miscarried baby dream. It's not clear if Claire went across the street or up the road. Now we know what happened to William. Eating rats is gross, even if he isn't in San Angeles. Those 8-balls really tortured him, why did they let him leave? Maybe he killed them & escaped. Maybe he'll kill himself now that he remembers. I can hope. Poor Noma & her wings & Michael really cares about Alex. "Oops."

I liked how Alex was able to turn the amphora into dust. "Well, that was rather quick" It was as if once Alex stops the war, there will be no further need for those things to even exist.

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