Friday, May 20, 2016

Only You

Once Upon A Time

What a weird episode, Regina & Zelina could barely grieve Robin Hood & Hades before they have to chase down Henry & Rumple. I wish they didn't do so much for the new season, I like when they just showed us who would be in the next season like when they just showed us Elsa in the barn. This episode is like the new season already started.

I thought Henry was going to contact those anti-magic people from that previous season but maybe they weren't a real secret society. I like his concern for his two moms, but he didn't really think how they would react to losing their magic. I like that he is hanging out with Violet, I just wish she was a significant character.

Frankenstein has already been on the show so I knew it was either Dracula or Jekyll & Hyde. He's a scientist so I'm not sure how he stole the Lament Configuration with Belle in it. I still think it's dumb that Rumplestiltskin can't give Belle True Love's Kiss.

I'm curious how they will integrate the new books with the show. I saw Paul Bunyan & Gulliver's Travels in the new books. I really wish they would do the Atlantis cartoon & introduce Princess Kidagakash, they could bring back Ariel plus they could have human versions of Nemo & Dory.

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