Sunday, May 8, 2016

Failed Experiments

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD

I guess this time, it's not all connected. They made a couple of references to people having a Civil War but no mention of what the movie or the comic book was about. Jessica Jones & Daredevil did a better job mentioning it.

Why was that DEO agent working at SHIELD? That was so bizarre seeing her, like it was an Amalgam teaser.

They kept going with Hive wanting to turn Humans into Inhumans. Seeing those two blue Kree warriors show up was interesting but I don't see how Tremors could fight one at all. They are supposed to be stronger than humans.

I really hated Mack doing the stupid "I'm not going to fight you" thing. It's so dumb. He just let some woman beat the crap out of him for no reason.

Simmons was being such a bitch by complaining to Fitz about Ward impersonating her astronaut boyfriend who raw-dogged her on the night planet. Then when Lincoln was trying somehow to help Daisy, Gemma insulted what he did by calling it a "grand romantic gesture" in front of Fitz, the man who did the same exact thing & that's the only reason she is back on earth. I hope she's the one who dies in space.

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