Saturday, November 28, 2015

Side Effects May Include…


This episode wasn't very funny. I hope they go back to doing comedy. Rebecca's evil "destroy America" plan seemed like it would be effective.

The side effects made no sense, it didn't match the 1st episode & the pictures they use in the intro to every episode. I thought those were withdrawal symptoms & they should have gone away as soon as he took a pill? If they were side effects, it should not have been so sudden for Brian because he had a booster shot & the patients he was investigating were productive before they became ill.

'We must protect this grain of rice!'

I can see how it could change the world, no more hunger & fighting over land. So Morra is a great guy, but then Sands killed the doctor. Either Morra has no problem killing people to protect the rice or Sands is not loyal which explains why Morra was testing Brian's loyalty. Either one makes sense.

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