Monday, August 8, 2016

I Love Lucy


"He just lost an asteroid ship Dutch... an asteroid ship."

The asteroid ship was the coolest thing, even better than Borg cubes. I can't believe how gullible & trusting they all were with The Collector. They went in his ship & let the fembots get the drop on them. They didn't even get specific about the trade.

It seems like that fantasy of growing old with someone is in Dutch's mind whenever she sings that song. That might help explain why she's such a mess. Also why she went to Alvis.

"Remember, not everyone has a happy ending. So be happy when you can."

What was that ending! Poor Sabine, D'avin has some kind of Moss-apede std? Does that mean everyone with green goo is celibate? Was that Gyndroid the actual voice of Lucy?

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