Saturday, August 20, 2016



This one was pretty funny. It basically turned into an episode of chuck when Brian went undercover with Lucy Church who was a lot like Sarah, the only thing missing was them eating at Subway.

There were a lot of funny things in this one, like him mentioning his red suit from the last episode, which turns out to be the only suit he owns. Then when he slept with agent Church they showed us a Bollywood dance number with Mike & Ike dancing. They showed those fake movie posters for each of the undercover agents.

"You know that lady from real housewives. She says she wasn't there to make friends but you know what? I think she was there to make friends. She is a very lonely person."

Sands has a really terrible poker face, I can't believe he just confirmed to Rebecca that he was involved in the shooting. That was bad. Are they trying to get her to join the team like Brian?

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