Monday, June 20, 2016

Second Death


This show is not scary. It's boring, the only good part was the woman who answered his phone call.

"I don't have to check. There's no one here by that name."

He at least started complaining about god but I have friends who are way harsher about religion than him. It would help if he had been religious & had strayed because of all the bad things that have happened around him. Instead he's someone who never thought about religion until now.

This show would have been better if it started with him in college the first season & changed his major into law or politics. He's a photo journalist, how is he going to be the anti-christ & get people to follow him? It makes no sense. 

His nerd partner asking to be put in the friendzone. That was the lamest thing, hitting on the grieving sister at the wake.

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