Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Mortal Cup


I have not read these books or seen the movies. I like that they have actual swords & not daggers like Castiel uses. They called the lightsabers 'Seraph blades' so are these people angelic in origin? I liked their headquarters, it's like they are The Initiative.

I liked that Clary sort of lost it when she got home, that made sense. I'm not sure if Old Spice guy is evil or if he was protecting her.
The runes were a little strange. The mom used the magic wand to display her rune, but what does it do? Does each one give them a different power? Jace used his to become visible to the friendzoned guy by waving the wand over it.  I didn't expect him to find out about the Shadowhunters so soon.

I liked that the bad guy is living in Chernobyl, that was unexpected. I guess his magic protects him from radiation.

What is this Mortal Cup they want, I guess it's not The Holy Grail.

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