Sunday, January 17, 2016

Chosen - Part 2

The Shannara Chronicles

I am really liking this show so far. I liked the Rover dad who was cruel but still proud of Eretria when she negotiated for her freedom.

I don't think it's Super-Science. The Elven Druid created his own Stonehenge & there is a shapeshifter. Also those demons can fly. It sure looks like real magic.

I thought it was funny that they called Wil a halfling and she has to take the ring, I mean the seed to the fires of Mordor, I mean the blood and replant the tree. 

I did not expect them to kill that old lady. Too bad Deathstroke did not kiss her before she died. The shapeshifter showed up in Elf city & killed all the Chosen boys. Showing that prophecies are not always what they seem.

Did he really say "magic always comes with a price"!? Is he Gandalf or The Dark One!

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