Sunday, January 17, 2016

Back to the Butcher

The Expanse

We learned that the dude who threatened to give the Mormons a faulty spaceship is actually The Butcher of Anderson Station. I'm sure he'll whine that he was "just following orders" when he killed all those families on that space station. But after Nuremberg, every soldier should know that "following orders" is no longer a valid excuse.

It looks like the Anderson surveillance video was sent out, so shouldn't he have been convicted, in which case, you would think Holden would know who the butcher is. Maybe The Butcher is helping them as a way to repent.

So there was surveillance video of the cop being impaling. I don't know why Skrillex-Punisher threw away the cell phone, does he want the guy to starve to death? I'm glad he confided in that Star-Helix woman.

I was waiting for The Terminator to show up at Tech Noir.

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