Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Ghost Along the Mississippi

The Originals

I'm glad Camille is alive, I liked seeing Klaus lose it, destroying his apartment. I'm not sure I like her being a vampire, they need more humans on the show. What happened to that cop? They should bring back the vampire hunters.

I liked how they tricked Tristan using Camille, I thought that they had compelled Aurora or something. Now that Tristan is going to drown every day for years, that stupid Aya is in charge. So I'm really hoping Marcel rips her head off.

They finally made Jackson into a formidable werewolf & then they kill him! I didn't see it coming & it's disappointing because it showed how he could have been a good character. Instead he was a beta make cuckold, even at the end. He's dead just so Haley could date Elijah. They should have had her actually cheat on him, so he would get the werewolves to kill the vampires again. At least Hayley got to act as something other than a bitch for once.

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