Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Black Sails

Mr. Scott is the king of secret island! I did not see that coming. Really well done, the way they made us forget about him. The queen's daughter being sympathetic was a little too convenient, they should have had Long John Silver say that he had been watching her for days.

I liked seeing Long John Silver & Captain Flint being more honest with each other, especially when Flint remembered that it what his plan too, to offer all the pirates a pardon. He's probably considering taking a pardon too now that he doesn't really have much to live for, especially once he finds out that Vane is gone with Blackbeard.

That was a good talk between Vane & Rackham. They were like 'handshake? nah bro hug it out'

That British captain, Woodes Rogers, is pretty smart himself. He realized it was going to burn before they did. I'm curious if that chambermaid is spying for the pirates or if she's just nosy.

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