Saturday, February 27, 2016

King Shark

The Flash

King Shark is back!!

"I don't suppose my homeowner's insurance covers a sharknado attack"

He totally chomped on those Argus guys. He's lucky Captain Flint wasn't there.

I'm not a fan of The Flash throwing electricity, he's not Livewire. I wish he had just run around King Shark & created a whirlpool where there was no water & then punched him out.

I liked that Diggle and Lyla are still amazed that The Flash can move so fast, considering that they are chasing Ripster & Diggle has seen someone come back from the grave & Hawk people.

Wally West was being a jerk & calling Barry a coward even though Wally didn't do anything either. The only good thing about Wally was his observation about them.

"Jaws busts through your house like the Kool-Aid man"
"Weirder than a talking shark, wearing pants?"

There was a Jay in the park on Earth-1 so how is Zoom Jay? Did he accidentally kill his past self? What is going on?

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