Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Edge of Mystery

Agent Carter

I so liked that Mr. Jarvis just shot Whitney Frost as soon as he saw her. No speeches, no hesitation. Unlike most Heroes & even Peggy herself who is either unable or unwilling to do what is necessary, Jarvis just shot her twice in the chest when he had the chance. It didn't help, but if they had done it sooner, a lot of people would still be alive.

Whitney is a lot more awesome now as the villain in charge. The Italian mom was pretty funny. Luckily Jack Thompson figured out he was being an idiot & worked with Agent Carter.

"Do what Peggy says!"

The physicist wanted to rid of the zero matter but instead of working with Whitney he was just being difficult. Then he seriously threatened Peggy for real & yet she still made excuses for him. I wish he had stayed in the zero-matter rift.

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