Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Little Song and Dance

Agent Carter

For some strange reason this episode started with a musical dream sequence.

All the double crossing was really good, and once again someone else was ready to do what Peggy was either unable or unwilling to do: kill Whitney & that scientist. The cliffhanger ending showed just how dangerous the scientist is & how Thompson was smart to make the cannon into a bomb.

Peggy argued with Jarvis because he shot Whitney Frost but Peggy was wrong. They should have shot Whitney sooner & shooting her didn't change anything. Her plan was to shoot the Gamma Cannon at the rift & that worked but it didn't do anything to stop Whitney, so even if Jarvis had not shot Whitney, she would still be running around with her zero matter powers.

Jarvis was also right about Peggy endangering people; She released Dottie for no good reason & she made excuses for the scientist, even when he told her the Zero Matter didn't affect his mind.

Despite the slow beginning to this season, these last few episodes have been really good.

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