Saturday, July 16, 2016



I can't believe they had Juliet cheat on Nick. This was a terrible idea. People already hate her character & although her being a Hexenbiest is altering her personality, this just makes her more unlikable.

How are the police going to explain all the frozen people. That snake guy froze in the prison cell; Somebody is going to notice unless most of the cops are Bauerschwein.

This new cousin is boring, they could have just had Viktor be more violent.

The Varme Tyv get heat from other people, so shouldn't they all move to Miami, where people are generating a lot of body heat all year round? I wish they showed Nick writing a new entry for them, because they weren't in his books. I think they showed him doing that once.

Captain Renard should wear tampons on his chest because his dry cleaning bill should be through the roof by now. He might need some when Nick finds out what he did. Couldn't he control himself?

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