Monday, July 4, 2016

The Assassination of Eddie Morra


The original Limitless man showed up on the intrepid & let himself get shot. They kept up the "is he evil or is he a good guy" angle. It's still not clear & they introduced a girl on NZT who shot him.

She went to his house for a Fringe reunion & basically threatened them, just like Senator Morra did. Brian figured out a way to not kill her, the question is: did Senator Morra think of that? Eddie knows that Brian doesn't want to kill people.

His daydreams were pretty funny.

"Can we talk about Senator Morra's eyes for a second?"
"Nuke 'em from the orbit. That's the only way to be sure."

The best part of the episode was the conversation at the end. It shows just how dumb Brian is. Why does he want to be some pot-smoking loser. He is so attached to his old identity, it shows how much NZT is being wasted on him, but it also shows why Senator Morra is not threatened by him. He really has zero ambition, he's like the worst of the millenials because he is actively fighting against becoming a better man even though it's right there in pill form.

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