Monday, July 18, 2016



I don't trust Alvis & his crazy scar religion. They are going to have to explain their stupid religion again because it still seems stupid to me & I don't see how anyone can take it seriously considering that they are flying around in spaceships.

I can't believe that Jelco only had 1 bodyguard when he let Dr. Pawter operate on him. So stupid but he's arrogant. His heart problem was crazy.

"I don't know, it's just something you say & it makes it all better"

Even though I was hoping they would not go too much into the big story, they seem to be doing a good job of keeping the individual warrants. At first I thought that woman would turn out to be the bad guy.

"It looks like an angry vagina"

Do the mossipedes might be what makes people into level 6's? Does it give people super powers or are they brain bugs from Klendathu & they are controlling the RAC? They should go back to the mines & take all those photonic crystals because Daa'vin can repel the mossipedees, they would be rich.

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