Friday, July 29, 2016

May Old Acquaintance Be Forgot

Second Chance

Duval punched his dad in the face. He was not happy when he figured out that Wendy Beauchamp was a girl that Sheriff Pritchard cheated with. Not only that but Sheriff helped Shelley Johnson cover up a murder that she committed.

He had to go get Gracie who was hanging out with some 20 year old shooting a gun. That seemed to come out of left field. He told Duval that he wants to fix things, it's episode 8 & they need to do more on that & less on the COTW. They need to have an episode with the Sheriff telling Duval what he did wrong before it gets cancelled.

Finally some new technology. A hologram projector to impersonate people, that seems like a terrible idea. Why would they invent that? Also the forced call answering, it was pretty cool, but there are so many scenarios where that would also be bad.

Toto was being more annoying, they are really making him act like a child. That AI is being really scary because it argues with him & doesn't do what's told, maybe it was programmed that way because he's a child? Either way, it's like Skynet waiting to happen.

Mary is cured. That seemed to happen really fast. Now they have to explain it to everyone & find a way to replicate it without bringing everyone back from the dead & turning the show into Resurrection.

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