Sunday, December 13, 2015

Cold As Ice

The Vampire Diaries

This episode was terrible. 

The flash forwards continue to ruin everything. Who cares that they got stabbed with the Phoenix Sword, we know they will both be resurrected & be fine in 3 years, thanks to the stupid flash forwards

Another eulogy for Lily, they wasted more than enough time on her last episode. Nora dumped Mary Louise after 100 years together & only a day later she's ready to move on. A little girl wanting a football.

The only good part was Caroline being hormonal.

"He doesn't need to worry about the specifics of my magical pregnancy with Alaric's babies"

"Hey Stefan, did I mention Bonnie saw me mix a blood bag with a jar of mayonnaise at 2 o'clock in the morning."

"Ok, 1, that was Marshmallow fluff"

But they even ruined that with more man-hating feminist garbage.

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