Saturday, December 19, 2015

AKA I've Got the Blues

Jessica Jones

The flashbacks were interesting & I liked how the stupid crazy neighbor girl told the junkie to kill himself. He really should.

That was a pretty good fight between the cop & Jessica & Hellcat. Even though they turned the cop into a bad guy, he's not wrong. Jessica keeps getting in the way & Hellcat is blinded by her friendship.

If she were a good pi, she could have had the cop find surveillance footage of where Purple Man went. She just assumed he would have killed his dad right away, which was a dumb assumption; of course he's going to torture his dad. Then she had to use Trish to get into the morgue. She's just terrible at being a PI & a hero.

Luke is back, that doesn't make things easier because he's not immune; Purple Man could just use Power Man to kill Not-Diamond.

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