Season 6 Episode 8

Lost reunion! It was so funny to see Belle & Zelina in the same scene. It's too bad The Evil Queen wasn't with them too!
I like how The Evil Queen is 1 step ahead of them, obviously Emma is going to have to come up with the plan. They need to merge the two Reginas, that's what is sounded like from what the Dragon said.
I thought Henry was going to kill the Dragon. Snow White killed, so it sort of runs in the family. but that was smart that he used it on the mirror.
A new genie! I really hope so, but it's probably Jafar. That would be cool too.
That Snow White Prince Charming montage was terrible. It wasn't even consistent. So dumb.
I can't believe they told Henry to "just be yourself" omg, that was the worst advice. The Evil Queen was the only one who gave him good advice!! Do his moms even spend time with him? They talk about being moms, but we barely see it. It seems like Henry is spending more time with Captain Hook.
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