Season 7 Episode 2
It was a good break from the Glenn story.
Carol was being way too fake, it was obvious. She did a better job at Alexandria. The tiger thing is a little crazy but I guess it's from the comics where you can do anything. They must be feeding it zombies, because those things eat a lot.
I was wondering how King Ezekiel could speak that way, for a minute I thought he was some LARPer, but his pre-zombie story made sense too.
I'm glad that the soldier dude from the kingdom didn't fall for that obvious sucker punch, but that Neganite captain should not have let his guy get free shots. It's stupid. It just makes people want to rebel.
The pigs eat zombies? Have they been feeding Negan's people zombie-fed pigs this whole time? Shouldn't the Neganites have gotten sick & turned? or is tainted meat only bad when it's directly eaten?

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