Monday, February 6, 2017


Season 1 Episode 5

This episode was pretty interesting with the explanation of how the wives would dye the wool by using their urine. I thought it was animal urine until Claire squatted over the pail then I realized it would be impossible to get animal urine.

I liked the cliffhanger ending when that red coat showed up. She can either say she's with Mackenzie who might get her near the mini-stonehenge or she can go with the British. But who knows what might happen with them, they may not let her go near the stonehenge or she might become a prisoner of her husband's doppelganger.

I like that she thanked that guy & gave him the appreciative look after she learned they were defending her honor at the bar.

What is wrong with her? She just jumps to conclusions & makes accusations like an idiot. She is running her mouth way too much, I'm surprised they haven't beat her yet for being so disrespectful.

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