Monday, August 1, 2016

When You Have to Go There, They Have to Take You In

Second Chance

I like that they confirmed that Alexa is a 2nd chancer too. Either Otto has tried this before or Connor stole his work & he tried it, once with Alexa & once with Lin. I doubt that autistic Otto would not recognize Alexa.

I like that they showed Otto behaving like a child. The show can be really inconsistent with him. He's supossed to be dependent on Mary but he is reviewing management stuff & trying to give speeches. I think Otto got mad that Mary taught the sheriff twinspeak. If they used in public too much people would have figured it out by now.

So only his car has the video windshield, that's good. I don't know how they are going to roll out the cure for cancer without dead bodies. Can they do it with living bodies? Because if it was that hard to find a match for her that they needed a dead sheriff, I don't see how anyone else can get cured.

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