Wednesday, January 18, 2017

We Have History Together

The Vampire Diaries
Season 8 Episode 8

I liked that the tuning fork is part of a bell & that Matt's family is connected to it. That was a good idea. At least this season has a point now, assemble the bell, kill both Sirens. Now the problem is: will it kill Alaric's daughters?

They killed the anger management group people, even though they were trying to be better people, because the group leader wanted to live? Then they killed the doctor because they forced her to kill a drunk driver? Maybe they are trying to show the Salvatore's as evil.

Sybil was so annoying, I wish Caroline had just ripped her heart out. Caroline has vampire speed, why is she moving so slow. Why didn't Matt & his dad take fire extinguishers with them? Arrgh. This season is so frustrating.

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