Monday, November 20, 2017

An Officer and a Prankster

Black Scorpion
Season 1 Episode 10

Scorpion-Mobile upgrade: Aero Cannon. It was also put into reverse to act as a vacuum for the gas.

Gangster Prankster is back! Another villain from the movies. Once again they re-shot scenes from the movie with the new Black Scorpion actress. I like that he's a Joker/Two-Face hybrid. It was pretty funny when Gangster Prankster hit that woman in the face with a pie when he was a keystone cop. I think they ret-conned Gangster Prankster into being Argyle's biological brother.

He had a chip in his head like Spike to keep him good this time but those weird fat clones messed it up. They really need to stop Dr. Phoenix from resurrecting villains, now he's going to bring back Inferno.

It's too bad Black Scorpion didn't really beat up Gangster Prankster or Giggles.

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