Thursday, November 30, 2017


Season 6 Episode 7

After weeks of watching the Star Ccity Minoriteam featuring Black Green Arrow, the real Green Arrow was back. They should have killed Diggle & had Speedy take over as girl Green Arrow. I like how they mentioned the last crossover & Diggle's fantasy about being the Arrow. I forgot about that. 

Thank you Mr. Terrific for calling out Felicity. She has no right to get so offended when she does things unilaterally too. She did have a point that she wasn't keeping any secrets from him though. How are they not telling her all this stuff.

Of course Oliver seems to be as dumb as he was last season. How did he not learn anything from Prometheus? They all got caught on video beating up cops just before the vigilante vote. So stupid. As much as I liked Benjamin Linus, I really hate Cayden. I don't like the idea that Black Siren is just muscle for him. The FBI lady is coming across as just annoying now. I bet she works for Cayden or is getting info from him.

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