Friday, November 3, 2017

The Faithful

Season 3 Episode 4

They changed the intro just so they can call Supergirl a refugee but then they do an episode where the Supergirl worshipers are basically Muslim terrorist? They pulled a "No True Scotsman" because somehow Supergirl is the only person who is doing her religion the right way? All those other people are wrong. They keep trying to push their agenda, but they screw up so bad on logic. 

The girl party showed how selfish they were. Ruby is being ignored, Samantha lied to her about seeing Ruby kick the goal at the soccer game. Even after Samantha says she is barely getting it done Alex still wants a kid. Not to mention that Alex & her sister are in danger almost every week but Alex wants to be pregnant for 9 months & have her child be in danger? So selfish & stupid.

What were the pods in the middle of the earth?? huh??

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