Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My Name Is Datak Tarr

Another great episode. How is this show not more popular? This is how you do an alien invasion show, (I'm talking to you Falling Skies).

It could have been a really depressing episode. The hostages at the NeedWant are massacred then the militia is killed, (Amanda was right) & Nolan is almost killed. He's so lucky Irissa was there. The explosion of the stasis net & the burning of the Votans was pretty cool. Can the stasis-net be put back together? I did not expect them to deal with the VC so quickly.

Datak Tar regained some of my respect. Hopefully he can get back to being someone to be feared. I'm not sure how the flashbacks helped explain his personality. I liked the reaction of the VC, that's how I was reacting. I loved how he was high-fiving people with Datak's arm. So wrong.

It's the only weapon I have. He cancelled the Dread Harvest? Is it because of our tasty pancakes?

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