Sunday, July 2, 2017

Green Furious

Season 1 Episode8

To make up for the last episode, we get this horrible feminist garbage where once again they mention the child molester from HBO. Abed puts on a "this is what a feminist looks like" t-shirt while he pretends to care about girls just to impress the Green Fury. 

They even had those two stupid girls putting a saw to a Superman dummy & they said "We were emasculating Superman" to the secretary.

They complained about the commercial where the Green Fury would be undressed & Emily tried to brand it as sex-positive feminism & then Abed called it justification by the patriarchy. I don't know if the writer was pointing out how stupid modern feminism is but none of it was funny. I also don't know if they were showing how male feminists are just trying impress girls, but again, it wasn't funny.

I don't know why they insulted Justice League Europe. Post-Crisis Justice League, Justice League Europe & Justice League International were all awesome. Oh & actually there is also Justice League Task Force, Justice League of Amazons, Justice League of Aliens, Justice League of Acolytes & Justice League of Atlanteans.

The only funny part was the line on the commercial "Wayne Security Poncho does not protect against Magic or Rain."

What a waste of Wendy Watson.

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