Wednesday, February 28, 2018


The Walking Dead
Season 8 Episode 9

I was ready for an emotional episode with Carl dying, but instead they kept cutting away from his death scene to show Morgan being brutal, so neither scene was as powerful as it should have been. It was really disappointing. because Carl started out as an annoying kid, but he turned into a good man, not just a teenager, but a man. He should have gotten a better episode than this. I also would have preferred more flashbacks of him & his dad. I'm glad that they didn't blame Siddiq for what happened.

Henry killing Gavin was good. It seems physically impossible for such a little kid to reach that height but whatever. Morgan ripping the intestines out of that guy was pretty shocking.

I knew the saviors used the zombies as wall for their truck to get out.

So those visions of an old Rick weren't flashforwards but instead were Carl imagining a bright future? That changes everything, because now it's possible that Rick bleeding to death under a tree is the flashforward.

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