Sunday, September 26, 2021

Cry Havoc Part 1

He-Man and The Masters of The Universe

This is what I always wanted to see! He-Man & Skeletor fighting each other like the old paintings. Plus all the other characters fighting each other. I don't need some complicated plot or scheme. Just a lot of action with cool poses, camera angles & explosions. I don't like that everyone has magic, but if it means more of this action, I will accept it!

The Menacers of The Universe or Dark Masters, I'm not sure which one the show is going to continue using for the bad guys but they had really great transformations. I think Beastman's is the best because it was shocking to me.
I wanted Evil-Lyn in a helmet like the original & I got it plus head wings! like Devilman Lady, Morrigan, Satanika) plus she got her own special power, Wings of Horokoth which is from the DC comics! black Teela had her Wings of Zoar.

I hated that Skeletor was able to break The Power Sword. It would have been better if he was just able to disarm He-Man. They better have a good resolution for that in the next episode.

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