Sunday, November 22, 2015

I Carry Your Heart With Me

The Vampire Diaries

Halloween Party! The costumes were very boring, not just Mary Louise's Prude devil, but everyone's. It's too bad they didn't put Bonnie, Alaric & Damon into costumes. That would have been funny.

I liked that Stefan & Caroline distracted the heretics so they could keep the students alive. Siphon or burn!

I was afraid that Oscar being super hungry was a side-effect of the Phoenix stone, but he's just a ripper like Stefan. Who finally got to be with Caroline. So maybe Jo won't have any side-effects from being a zombie. I can't remember if Jeremy did. Matt needs to learn more Vampire Hunter tricks.

Yay, Elena is finally gone, it took awhile but looking back I think they did it in a good way.

I am really starting to hate the flashforwards. They worked on Lost because there was time travel but it doesn't work on this show, at all.

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