Friday, April 8, 2016

Year of the Monkey

12 Monkeys

I like that they recapped season 1 because I forgot a lot about Ramse's adventures in the past. 

But now Cole & Ramse are friends again! They spent so much time in the past that they were even joking about when they were enemies. I suppose we'll see that in flashbacks?

"Except when you stabbed me in 87"
"I did. I got you goooood."

It's lame that the blue people are just painted blue, I was sure they were pandemic experiment survivors or something but it was great that Doctor Jones just used the device to rip that man into shreds!!

"Who's next?"

I was so mad that Cole didn't just shoot crazy Jennifer on the roof, but if he had, the vial would have dropped & released the virus. But he didn't even tell her to put it down. It's like he got soft hanging out in the present with Ramsey.

Then Dr. Railly shows up shooting everybody! She's like "I'm looking for Sarah Connor"

It was crazy!

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