
I really liked when Martin cut off Penny's hands. It's too bad Martin didn't cut his head off.
I can't believe Elliot agreed to be high king in Narnia for the rest of his life.

I didn't like that Quentin isn't actually The One, he wussed out & asked Alice to save the day, it was so annoying. I felt like I was watching the 1st few movies where Hermione does everything. It was really annoying, like when Twilight Sparkle "saved" the Crystal Empire by having Spike save the day. Then Alice drank Ember's essence for nothing!
Julia was able to grab the knife!
So much for summoning that god, Julia. That turned out to be pretty shocking, it wasn't as awful as the scene on Reign. I'm surprised Reynard the fox let her & Kady live. Did Julia abort that hellspawn?
I'm also really surprised that Marina came to help her, maybe more happened between them that they will reveal next season.
I wonder if Julia is going to force Martin to kill Reynard for revenge or take his power.
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