Thursday, December 14, 2017

Don't Run

The Flash
Season 4 Episode 9

What!? I did not see that coming. Davoe made a deal with bootleg witchblade, then switched bodies with some random dude. That is insane. I didn't like how the wife was able to kiss him so easily. That seemed unbelievable.

"Bacon beer!!!"

Why didn't The Flash use his arm tornadoes to cushion his landing. I guess that would have killed people. How awesome was Vibe's enhancements!! They scoffed when that hacker used them, but it came in handy! I really like how he was vibrating so fast that he seemed invisible. He should have been able to outrun the octopus chair. 

I'm glad he realized that he shouldn't run. the evidence will show he didn't do it. He has a house full of witnesses, even the black Thinker was there.

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