Tuesday, December 26, 2017

When Christmas Was Christmas

Season 1 Episode 3

This is the last episode I watch. It only improved a little because it started to turn into the average cop show, but it's still terrible. I realized that this horrible show is being shown during the winter break where every other quality show is not showing new episodes, so even SYFY knows it's bad.

Meredith broke up his marriage to the black mom. Then Meredith drives her around to help with the kid? After getting punched in the face? In front of the other cops? It's less believable than a blue alicorn.

I'm supposed to believe some rich lawyer would fight his mistress & kill a baby? He's rich, he would just buy her off. It was just really stupid. But that's to be expected from this show, stupidty. Besides bad guys have to be white these days.

and Very Bad Santa just magically appears in the alley? Sure, whatever.

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