Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Season 3 Episode 7

6 months later?!? WTH? Ok, I get it, but I don't like it. 

With all those ships approaching the ring from all those different factions, even the OPA, how the hell did they not have security for some idiot slingshot racer? How is that even fast? That sounds like it would take forever. That guy was such a loser, what did he think his girl would be doing while he's out floating through space. Man when he hit the event horizon of the ring, I did not expect that. It was like he hit a wall and then immediately froze, like time stopped, it was nuts. I guess it isn't a Stargate, it could be a Jumpgate though or like the ring in Contact.

Wait so Amos was a mob boss at 15 years old in New Detroit? Ugh, they ret-conned him into being bisexual, really? I hope they find a way to bring Bobbie back to the show, that would suck if we are done with her. I really disliked her at first but she grew on me, the same with Amos. I felt really sad for him when he said that Prax was his best friend in the whole world.

The documentary crew is interesting.

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